Friday, July 12, 2013

Sunday Service


We took a plane flight to Cagayan De oro City, Mindanao from Davao at 5 in the morning.  We rode on a small airline and many of the players were cramping up.  The plane ride was about an hour.  Then we went to a youth rally at the church that supports our missions, the church of Pastor Ellpie.  We had a great time worshiping and fellowshipping with their church.  Then we split into small groups and went to various churches throughout Cagayan.  The church I went to was very small and most of the message was in Tagalog.  Me and the others got to share our testimony.  We also met another group of foreigners who were doing their 3 month Discipleship Training through a local school.  I met a family from Holland, and people from Jamaica, Ecuador, Hong Kong, and Egypt.  I can only how hard it is to manage a family with young children as a missionary, and I am praying for God's grace to be upon them throughout their stay.  

The children did a short skit/dance about this girl who was contemplating suicide.   She was tugging back and forth with demons until Jesus pushed the demons away and held them back as the girl ran to safety.  At the churches here the youth are really on fire for the Lord, and it is very inspiring.  They are generally not worried about their appearance or being cool and really focus all their efforts on praising the Lord.


  1. Hi! TERrance..woooh :) Nice to Met... Hope u will come bAck here again , in the Philippines :) Godbless :)

    1. Hey Florie, it was nice too meet you too. I loved my time in the Philippines and I pray that I will be able to go again. God bless you too!
