Thursday, May 9, 2013

Muslims VS Christians

In 1565 the Spanish officials of Cebu wrote the King of Spain requesting permission to enslave Moros (Filipino Muslims):

"We beseech his majesty and your highness in this royal name, that, inasmuch as the said Moros and others take all the gold, pearls, jewels, precious stones and other things of which we have no information—thus injuring the natives, both by giving us no opportunity to plant out holy faith among them, and by taking the said gold, they should, if they continue the said trade, lose their property and be made slaves, for they preach the doctrine of Mahoma."

This started another crusade in the Philippines in order to overtake the precious stone that Muslims in the Philippines had access to at the time.  Yet another example of the Spaniards overtaking land, under the false pretense of merely wanting to convert others to Christianity.

Filipino Muslims have endured years of betrayal and oppression from Christians and the United States military.  These years of oppression have caused the Muslims in the southern Philippines to develop a hostile attitude towards Christians. There is still hostility between Christians and Muslims in the southern Philippines, however the violence has significantly decreased.  Among these Muslim communities, bibles were strictly prohibited. 

Lisa After setting up a tent in an outdoor health clinic near an area that contained a large Muslim population, some Muslims came to get checked-up.  These Muslims were easily identified because of their turbans.  These Muslims were surprised that Lisa and her team were still treating the Muslims despite the noted hostility that they have towards Christian.  This presented the opportunity to explain the love and grace of Jesus, who commands us to love our enemies.   One of the Muslims even asked for a bible.  After arriving to the same area the next year, Lisa for the first time noticed bible studies and bibles being infiltrated into an area where bibles were once prohibited.

Matthew 5: 43-45  43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven."

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